Callum Fraser

Back with the old...

04 June 2022
Tags: Updates

Hello, again! Just a quick update to say I’ve decided to go back to the old website design somewhat, but with a good handful of improvements!

One of the main reasons for this is that the previous version used a design that was almost entirely from a template. While templates are useful for starting quickly, they have a more generic feel and don’t offer as much of an opportunity to demonstrate my own skills.

As a result, I’m returning to the self-designed format - so please bare with me if some things need polish!

Although I don’t write these posts much, I still wanted a place to put them. As a result, I’ve added a posts section, which you’re likely viewing right now, where I can make these posts. For the rest of the information, I’ve returned it to a one page format.

I’m also dogfooding my element-encrypt tool by utilising it as a means of obfuscating email addresses on this website - recently I’ve been recieving more and more spam in my inbox so hopefully this can help mitigate that!

Expect more posts at some point - but otherwise, welcome back to the site!

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Back with the old... - 04 June 2022 - Updates

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